Enami Fellowship

Emil Nedkov Apostolic Ministries International


Mission Possible Revival Meetings

Introduction and Agenda

Matthews 11: 5, Joe 2:32


It is a great honor and a privilege to introduce ENAMI FELLOWSHIP (Emil Nedkov Apostolic Ministries International) to you. “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us...“ Rom 12:6. and “Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus before the world began“ 2Ti 1:9

Mission Possible Revival Meetings are part of the ENAMI FELLOWSHIP deliverance and equipping ministries program course. Our goals are to provide you with instructions of how to become whole, how to remain free, and how to empower others by the power God has given to us. We are dedicated to serving the people in need and unveiling their potential for the service of the extension of the Kingdom of God on earth. Preparing the people of God how to discover and recognize their heavenly call and equip the saints for the work of the Kingdom. Unleashing the potential that is in God’s people pointing out the way to go by directing them in order to operate according to their unique divine call. Our goal is to be part of establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth by occupying the earth and subduing it unto the Kingdom realm.

Eph 4:12 “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”

I was called and ordained for the ministry in the Bulgarian Revival during the early 90’s in Bulgaria. I was called to be revived and to bring revival across Bulgaria. I have been a witness of the Shekinah Glory, a tremendous manifestation of the Kingdom of God of healing deliverance and salvation. I saw many people that were saved, healed, and delivered. People who were called by God for the ministry, who are in ministry still today, one of whom is myself. I have been seeing the same miracles wherever I go I believe that God will show Himself faithfully during those Revival Meetings like He always does.

These days we are leaving are like the age of the earlier church, as we mix up the truths and the lies. They are so mixed, it is almost impossible to distinguish between the good and the evil, the real from the fake. There are so many ministries around the world who are offering just a piece of the whole truth and they embrace just that little piece. If I can describe our attention, it is to deliver the whole package to the people of God. The Kingdom manifestations are not so called a “Magic wand” I called it a Magic wand (formula or recipe). The best word for me to describe the Kingdom manifestations is like a “prescription”. We believe that our ministries would provide the “whole package” sort of speaking.

The whole package of the Kingdom manifestation is like a stick, like the Moses Scepter (rod staff) that contains different labels on it like: deliverance ministry, divine healing, salvation, counseling etc.

If you do feel like something invisible is hindering you that might be stronger than you and you cannot resist, that you have to submit into...

There is a solution for you that can make you walk in His liberty free from bondage and every yoke that is stopping you to fulfill your great destiny. God will enable you to run into His freedom, and with His power, and under His authority bringing freedom to the ones that are oppressed. Or maybe you just want to learn how to be more successful in the realm of spiritual warfare. Maybe you have been wondering of how to become fully equipped for the work of the Kingdom. Mission Possible Revival Meetings are designed right just for you. We believe that the people of God must be set free in order to, or before reaching out to set others free. We want to give basic instructions so that you know how to be well prepared for bringing deliverance from demonic activities and enjoy seeing the people coming out of the darkness to His glorious light like a free man. If this is what you’re looking for, this practical teaching is right for you. You will learn how to walk in divine health, live freely without the bondage of demonic activities and moreover you will be taught how to and be given the opportunity to bring the Kingdom manifestation of healing, deliverance, and salvation to the people need deliverances.

During these Revival Meetings you will be exposed to the whole truth of Jesus’ teaching connecting to the Kingdom of God which is an essential part of his teaching.

The Revival Meetings course is flexible, we offer several options. It may come as a one day event, or a three day course, or as a long term course on a regular basis. The one day event does not include the whole course; it is just limited to the manifestation of the Kingdom and not to the training sessions that come along with the other two course formats. For greater results, we recommended that you choose at least the three day course format.

Registration is free; an suggested fee is required to be a part of this opportunity, $500 per day minimum donation from the church or $50 participant per day minimum donation and will be greatly appreciated. Or if the ministry is not fortunate we suggested that free will love offering will be greatly appreciated. This Revival Meeting will be conducted upon request from your ministry.

The Subjects topics that will be discussed are and not limit to the following: Mat 11:5 salvation, healing, deliverance, expelling demons, the lepers are cleansed, pass on 2T2:2,7, renewing of the mind, counseling Rom 12:1-4, 2 Cor. 4:4 “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not…”, faith believing, the gifts and the fruits of the spirit, authority, power, how to stay free, not empty but filled with the spirit > put on the whole armor of God warfare >, mat. 4:1-11>Luke 4: 1; the Gospel of the Kingdom leads to disciple followers, The Gospel of Christ leads you to salvation, Heb 4:16, Rom 11.6, 12.6, 1Cor 1.7, 7.7, redemption how to pass from curse into blessing Gal 3:13-14, Deu. 28:1-15

Children Benedictions blessing over the children Mat 19: 13-14 and Mat 21:16


  1. Bulgarian Revival

  2. Worship

  3. Kingdom Manifestations

  4. Coaching Trainings Session

  5. Running in Freedom

  6. The Believers’ Hour

  7. Pass on Impartation

  8. Get Involved