Apostle Rev. Emil Nedkov Biography

Dear Friends, Partners, and Co-Workers,

Rev. Apostle Emil Nedkov is a beloved father and husband of three beautiful young girls and two sons-in-law. Resonantly, God extend his family with twins grand boys. Currently he is living at Niagara Falls in Canada. In the last 14 years, he and his family have had to face a lot of challenges. In addition Rev. Apostle Emil Nedkov has been working as a Missionary for over 35 years in two Continents: North America and Europe. His primary goal was and always will to be obey the Great Commission and Great Commandment. While he is working on achieving his primary goal, he never ceases to pass an opportunity to minister the word of God throughout these years. With his dynamic message REV Apostle Emil Nedkov draws people to Shekinah glory of God in the atmosphere of miracles. His solid bible teaching Edifying God’s people by empowering them to flow in the Holy Spirit, transforming them so that God’s people can change the world.

Currently he resides in Niagara Falls, Canada his wife Nina Nedkova and their youngest daughter SlavaGloria are residing at Amherst NY. He believes that God sent him to Canada with the Word of God which comes from the Book of Acts 18:9-11. He believes that he heard from the Lord these words “Mission Possible”.

He wants to conduct and organize Revival Meetings across Canada with the signs and wonders of the Kingdom of manifestations of Healing Deliverance and Salvation.

He believes that during this Revival Meeting, he will see the same manifestations that he has been seeing in every place he goes. He believes that together with you we can be even more effective for bringing the Kingdom of God on earth. Together with your partnership we shall prevail over the kingdom of the darkness and many people will be able to come out of the darkness to life. Helping make people become whole the people who need the healing touch of God walking in divine healing and freedom, free form every yoke/bondage in order to bring healing deliverance and salvation to the world. Your support in prayer and finance will help make a difference to the world. Together we can change the world and rewrite the world history. He strongly believes that the believers are destined to be history makers and world shakers by shaping the globe by the power of God. All the contributions are tax deductible and are going to be used for the sake of the Kingdom. We believe that a hundredfold blessing shall be given back into your bosom. (Luke 6:38)